March 11, 2011, is the date of the original Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
The Situation Has Not Gotten Better – It Is Worse!
Expert: “Potential Global Catastrophe” from Fukushima Unit 2 highly radioactive fuel… The reactor could be destroyed, “making Tokyo area uninhabitable…” This is the “most dreaded” scenario — Already “partially liquefying” below reactors, by
We Must Not Forget. We Must Not Ignore. We Must Not Repeat!
Each of us tries to contribute to the betterment of the world in their own way.
Memo from the Past: A Call to Action! Now Is the Time To Be Heard!
“The 2020 Olympics have been held in Tokyo and Fukushima. My friends have resumed visiting Japan. On the yearly anniversary of this disaster, various media listed the most important events of the week. Fukushima and its devastation were not generally mentioned by newspapers or television. This world event is now history and has not even been cleaned up. In perhaps twenty years, they will look back at cancer rates and see if they were impacted—certainly, I have known a great number of friends who have suddenly succumbed to that nasty disease. And it is a proven fact that the nuclear material from the Fukushima meltdown was spread far and wide across the world. It will remain with us for millions of years. But the interest level has dropped to almost zero. I have written about this problem, and the writings remain for those who wish to be enlightened. I donate whatever money comes to charity. I have stopped all swimming activities because water is such a great hider of radioactivity, and I will no longer eat fish or other sea life. I wish all my readers good health and hope for the future.”
- Barbara Billig
This nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima, Japan, continues to dump hundreds of tons of radioactively contaminated water in the Pacific Ocean on a daily basis. There is a great die-off of plant and animal life in the Pacific Ocean, unlike anything ever seen in our lifetimes. It does not just affect Japan—it affects the world! One nuclear scientist has come forth with the statement that if this continues unchanged for the next twenty years, it could become an extinction event with very little life left on the earth.
United Nations
The United Nations can call for scientists and engineers from all countries to submit proposals for containment and cleanup. According to the Japanese, the necessary technology does not exist at this time. But the world is full of brilliant minds. The UN also has the ability to assess the members for money to support this endeavor and the staff to coordinate it. A balanced panel of pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear scientists and engineers must be selected to sort through prospective solutions. One of the stated objectives of the UN is to protect the environment.
We as a people can do nothing and hope for the best, or we can take action and demand this problem be taken over by a world entity to be solved as it should be for the betterment of the planet and its inhabitants.
The Nuclear Catastrophe
Barbara Billig's techno-thriller novels are designed to be informative, timely, and entertaining. First, The Nuclear Catastrophe, then the aftermath created #Betrayal. Finally, ISIS has entered America and charted a terror plot far surpassing the New York City events of 9/11— Nuclear Road Trip – Onward to Destruction.
“Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
4th Edition of The Nuclear Catastrophe, a Fiction Novel of Survival
Set in Southern California, this novel tells the story of people living in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant who are affected by a nuclear disaster brought on by an earthquake. What choices would you make? All have consequences.
The Sequel: #Betrayal
Set in Southern California and Japan, this is a story of how the lives of people are affected years after the Fukushima nuclear tragedy. The aftermath may be worse than the accident. Lies, greed, murder, and power struggles intertwine.
Whom would you trust?
And Then Terrorism in America Comes to Chicago!
NUCLEAR ROAD TRIP – Onward to Destruction
By Barbara Billig and Michelle McKeeth
ISIS has selected a city. They plan to far exceed the events of New York City on 9/11. This novel tells the story of how 8 million people in the Chicago area are caught in the drama of terrorism involving nuclear waste stored at a nuclear power plant.
The Nuclear Catastrophe, #Betrayal, and Nuclear Road Trip are techno-thriller novels based on truth. Fukushima was one of the most important events of the 21st century to affect the world. These novels were written to bring about greater awareness of the truth and, perhaps, to make science a little more fun.
Happy Reading! Hope You Enjoy!
All profits from these novels have been donated to charity.
For More Thoughts on How the World Is Being Impinged Upon by Nuclear Disasters
Cause of Death Autopsy (9/19/2015)
"Evolution or Extinction?" (3/11/2015)
Twenty Years Before All Life Is Extinct - Fukushima's Legacy (05/2015)
Set in Southern California, this novel tells the story of people living in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant who are affected by a nuclear disaster brought on by an earthquake. What choices would you make? All have consequences.

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Our Story
Enjoy a page-turner with fiction novels by Barbara Billig. Barbara wrote these nuclear fiction stories of survival so that people could relate to what is happening easily rather than as a technical book. These were originally written because Barbara saw a potential problem with nuclear reactors. When a problem actually arose in Fukushima, she realized that the exact same type of reactor was in San Onofre, near her home. Barbara was inspired by Michael Crichton's writings, such as Jurassic Park, where he used a foundation of science for a fictional tale. #Betrayal won an award in the category of “Best First Chapter” from UP Authors.
“Hi Everyone. Michelle McKeeth has coauthored a new nuclear novel with me. Thanks to all of you who voted in the naming contest.” - Barbara Billig
The Most Votes Were For:
Nuclear Road Trip
Onward to Destruction
This novel is about a diverse group of characters caught up in a drama of Nuclear Terrorism set in the Midwestern United States near Chicago. Our book begins with the coverup of a dangerous leak at a nuclear site. John, Tressa, Aadhil, Travis, and Valeria are drafted as the nuclear inspection team. They are then ordered to take two weeks for a vacation en route to the Nuclear Power Plant in question to minimize the importance of the accident. Little did they know that danger was being churned out with every rotation of their wheels as they enjoyed themselves on their leisurely road trip.
And ISIS is sure they can create a disaster far larger than 9/11. The United States would be perfect as their new country.
Follow Barbara Billig To Learn More About Her Stellar Fiction Novels
To learn more about the fiction novels from Barbara Billig, like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter. Barbara's works are categorized as thriller, suspense, crime, prepper, environment, nuclear, catastrophe, betrayal, and conspiracy novels.
In 2013, Barbara gave 50% of net e-book sales to a Fukushima Children's Charity through GlobalGiving.
All net proceeds are given to various charities each year.